Q&A with Brooke Tyson Ritual on finding your wedding outfits & style.

August 6, 2024

Zara Staples


Q&A With Brooke Tyson Ritual

1. Let’s say someone has just got engaged and is slightly overwhelmed by the bridal/suit stores as it’s the beginning of their journey: What are some things (maybe a few key points) to help them with where to start?

I think it’s really important to narrow down bridal stores and designers to ones that align with your personal style. It can be super overwhelming if you book into a bunch of places just to try a whole lot of gowns/suits on that don’t necessarily suit you or your vibe. 

Designers’ Instagram feeds are so good for getting an overall feel if they’re right for you. 

There will definitely be experiences that you’re more attracted to, whether it’s a more relaxed approach by the designer or a more traditional say yes to the dress experience. 

2. Can you share some key things to know before booking and going to a wedding dress appointment? 

Usually, you can book a consultation through a designer’s website, we have people contacting us on our different socials and can accommodate booking them in through there as well.  

Be prepared to pay a consult fee, especially if you want a piece custom-designed for you. Wear nude underwear wherever possible if you’re trying gowns and if you want to try your own heels with gowns bring those too. 

If you can relax into the experience and try things that may not be 100% what you’d choose, sometimes that’s where you will find something magical. 

Don’t bring too many people with differing opinions if you’re someone who gets confused easily. You want this part to be as fun as possible. 

3. Tell me any hot takes on veils!

We love non-traditional veils! There are so many great options out there at the moment. Our favourite short veil in our collection is the Alba, beautifully beaded and sits just over your face. 

Other options are silk bows or even big scrunchies made from the silk of your gown. Long dramatic veils are super popular and having a moment again as well. 

4. Describe how a wedding dress / outfit should feel (the feeling it conveys, etc).

We 100% believe in not being pushed into a gown/fit that you’re not sure about. It has to feel like you and the feeling it conveys should be excitement, we love it when clients leave and say they can’t stop thinking about a particular gown or their bespoke gown after a fitting. 

You want to look forward to wearing it and be able to picture yourself in it all night, (unless you go for a second look later in the evening). 

5. How does everything work at Brooke Tyson Ritual? Can you customise any dress? Tell me about the process!

We love to customise our gowns from collection samples, we also create just as many bespoke gowns too. Usually when a client books in they know if they will be wanting something from the collection or something custom-made. 

When they try from the collection we chat through changes that can be made to personalise a gown and sometimes make it more or less dramatic for the individual. We are always excited about the more dramatic! 

Otherwise, we will sit down with a bride and chat through design elements they may want and sometimes design and get confirmation on the spot and sometimes we will design over a week or so and narrow down options with the client. 

We then always do a first calico to get a basic fit then go from there.

6. What are some accessories or shoes you love at the moment?

Accessories we love are big bold earrings, think vintage Christian Lacroix gold earrings. Also modern pearl chokers, and big bows in hair. 

We have some amazing jewellery at our Studio designed in collaboration, called Ceremony by Mia Straka. Our absolute favourite piece is the Naia choker made from beautiful shells. 

These are available on our website. 

7. How far out should you start looking for your wedding outfits?

Honestly, the industry moves so fast (and slow at the same time). I would advise starting to book custom a year out, minimum 6 months but some fabrics take months to arrive if they’re custom made so best to book in plenty of time. If off the rack then you want to allow plenty of time for alterations. We custom-make all our gowns to order. 

8. How can we reduce the impact of fast fashion within the industry? Any thoughts on this topic?

We are very passionate about our gowns being able to be re-worn, reworked, and loved again! 

That was the point of us doing non-traditional bridal, we absolutely love remaking and dyeing a gown after the big day so it can be worked over and over. 

I think as gowns get less traditional and more fashion-focused this will be a natural progression and clients will want to wear their special pieces again. 

We love remaking mum’s vintage gowns and veils as well — next season we have a few of the most amazing vintage remakes. 

9. Do you have any final tips for couples on how to find their wedding style?

Think about what you love to wear, what era of garments excites you, what pieces you already have in your wardrobe that feel so special and why. I think that can translate to your choice. 

It’s the same with the wedding venue and decor planning, some love traditional and others love nontraditional, just really think through what will feel best for you and your partner on the day. We see a lot of people getting pressured into something they may not have had or done. 

It’s so much better after the Covid period though where elopements and smaller weddings are much more acceptable than they were, and that really suits some people. It’s so important to follow your instincts on this. 

If you’re stuck, ask friends and family who know you well if they have a vision for you, which may help narrow things down.

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